Fig 1
DESCRIPTION:  Wing length 6 - 7.25mm.   One of those Hoverfly species that once recognised is easily remembered. The most striking features are the large chestnut coloured eyes, the matt black body and the shiny black thorax that has violet reflective tones when seen in good light. Less noticeable in the field is the narrow face and the pale spots on tergites 3 and 4 although these are not always present.  BEHAVIOUR: A species with a fondness for hanging around in small groups on umbellifer heads such as Angelica and Hogweed. Larvae are found in organically rich soil at the edge of watery areas. DISTRIBUTION: Widespread throughout Britain becoming scarcer towards North-West Scotland. HABITAT: Woodland edges, grassy rides, riversides, urban gardens and hedgerows. PERIOD: May to August.

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